Cards shipped in the Loot & Legends tactical card game. (Not the original images.)

The warrior does Physical damage at short range, with four damage types: Axe, Club, Polearm, and Sword.


Pulling effects and area damage.

Aegis of the Wolf card image Axe - Physical

Prevents damage.

While in hand, this figure's Axe attacks get +2 damage.

Warrior Armor 2armor
Come Here! card image Axe - Physical

Pull an enemy 3 squares.

Warrior Skill 4range
Shout to the Wind card image Axe - Physical

Pull each enemy 3 squares.

Warrior Item 4range
Sleeve Cleave card image Axe - Physical

Attack up to 3 enemies.

Prevents damage. Practical. (Doesn't break at 0 armor.)

Warrior Armor 3/1 3armor
Stomp card image Axe - Physical

Move 2, then attack each enemy in range.

Boots 1/1 2move
Strong Chop card image Axe - Physical

Attack up to 2 enemies.

Warrior Item 4/1
Thrice Sliced card image Axe - Physical

Attack up to 3 enemies.

Warrior Weapon 3/1
Dice card image Axe - Physical

Attack up to 3 enemies.

Warrior Skill, Warrior Weapon 1/1
Eviscerate (1) card image Axe - Physical

Attack and stick to up to 4 enemies.

When this figure is attacked, deal 4 damage to them and destroy this card.

Warrior Item 1/1
Tug of War card image Axe - Physical

Attack and pull an enemy 2 squares, then pull the attacker 2 squares towards the enemy.

Warrior Weapon, Spellstone 2/5
Weak Chop card image Axe - Physical

Attack up to 2 enemies.

Warrior Weapon, Warrior Skill 2/1
Carve a Path card image Axe - Physical

Attack an enemy. Gets +2 damage for each other enemy adjacent to the attacker.

Warrior Weapon, Warrior Item 2/1
Double Kill card image Axe - Physical

Attack up to 2 enemies. Gets +2 damage if at least 2 figures are attacked.

Warrior Weapon, Warrior Skill, Warrior Item 2/1
Spin to Win card image Axe - Physical

Attack up to 2 enemies.

Warrior Weapon, Warrior Skill, Spellstone 5/1
Vicious Vortex card image Axe - Physical

Pull each enemy in range 1 square, then attack them.

Warrior Skill, Warrior Weapon 2/2
Hobbling Hack (2) card image Axe - Physical

Attack and stick to up to 2 enemies.

Whenever this figure moves, they take 2 damage.

Warrior Item, Warrior Weapon, Warrior Skill 2/1
Hook card image Axe - Physical

Attack and pull an enemy 1 square, then pull the attacker 1 square towards the enemy.

Warrior Weapon, Warrior Item, Warrior Skill 1/3
Triple Kill card image Axe - Physical

Attack up to 3 enemies. Gets +3 damage if at least 3 figures are attacked.

Warrior Weapon, Warrior Skill, Warrior Item 3/1
Get to the Chopper (2) card image Axe - Physical

Trait. Stick to this figure. (Must be played. Draw a card and take another turn.)

This figure's Axe attacks get +1 damage.

Warrior Skill


Variant damage, with a mix of high-damage and low-damage cards.

Batter's Up card image Club - Physical

Attack an enemy.

Warrior Weapon 6/1
Bonk card image Club - Physical

Attack an enemy. Obvious. (Revealed when drawn.)

Warrior Weapon 10/1
Combo Jab (3) card image Club - Physical

Attack an enemy and stick to the attacker.

This figure's "Punch" cards have cantrip. (Take another turn.)

Warrior Weapon 3/1
Crushing Confidence card image Club - Physical

An enemy discards their oldest Block card, then attack them.

Warrior Item 2/1
Hapless Harness card image Club - Physical

Attack an enemy.

Prevents damage. Loses 1 armor when this figure plays a Physical card. Doesn't break at 0 armor.

Warrior Armor 1/1 6armor
Leap into Action card image Club - Physical

Dart 4, then attack each enemy in range and knock them back 1 square. (Move unhindered by enemies or terrain.)

Boots 4/1 4move
Simple Bash card image Club - Physical

Attack and knockback an enemy 1 square.

Warrior Item 3/1
Smack in the Face card image Club - Physical

Attack an enemy. Gets +2 damage for each other card in the attacker's hand, then discard those cards.

Warrior Weapon 4/1
Soften the Blow card image Club - Physical

Block an attack, then deal 3 damage to the blocker.

The Old One-Two card image Club - Physical

Draw 10 cards. Discard the ones that aren't "Punch".

Warrior Item 0range
Topple card image Club - Physical

Attack an enemy. Gets +4 damage if they're a big figure (2x2).

Warrior Weapon 4/1
Aegis of the Boar card image Club - Physical

Prevents damage.

While in hand, this figure's Club attacks get +2 damage.

Warrior Armor 2armor
Best Defense card image Club - Physical

Attack an enemy.

Prevents damage.

Warrior Armor, Warrior Item 5/1 2armor
Bigger Bash card image Club - Physical

Attack and knockback an enemy 1 square.

Warrior Item, Warrior Weapon 5/1
Bloody Hell card image Club - Physical

Attack an enemy. Gets +4 damage if the attacker is at or below half health.

Warrior Weapon 2/1
Ego Check card image Club - Physical

Attack an enemy. Gets +4 damage if they have full health.

Warrior Skill, Warrior Item 1/1
Fisticuffs (2) card image Club - Physical

Trait. Stick to this figure. (Must be played. Draw a card and take another turn.)

This figure's "Punch" cards get +3 damage.

Warrior Skill
Hammer Time card image Club - Physical

Attack an enemy. Gets +5 damage if they're adjacent to blocking terrain.

Warrior Item, Spellstone 5/1
Overhead Swing card image Club - Physical

Attack an enemy. Obvious. (Revealed when drawn.)

While in hand, this figure can't block.

Warrior Skill, Warrior Weapon 8/1
Shield Slam card image Club - Physical

Attack an enemy.

Blocks a physical attack, then the blocker takes 3 damage.

Shield 3/1
Unstoppable Force card image Club - Physical

Attack an enemy. If this is blocked, deal 5 damage to the blocker.

Warrior Weapon, Warrior Item 2/1
Club Sandwich card image Club - Physical

Attack an enemy, then the attacker takes 4 damage.

Warrior Weapon, Warrior Item 8/1
Mug card image Club - Physical

Attack an enemy, then stick all cards stuck to them to the attacker.

Warrior Skill, Warrior Item 4/1
Sweeper Hit card image Club - Physical

Attack and knockback 2 squares each figure in front of the attacker.

Warrior Weapon, Warrior Item, Spellstone 4/1
Crusher (2) card image Club - Physical

Trait. Stick to this figure. (Must be played. Draw a card and take another turn.)

This figure's Club attacks get +1 damage.

Warrior Skill
Haymaker card image Club - Physical

Attack an enemy at random.

Warrior Weapon, Warrior Skill 6/1
Slug card image Club - Physical

Attack an enemy.

Warrior Weapon, Warrior Skill 5/1
Punch card image Club - Physical

Attack an enemy.

Warrior Weapon, Warrior Skill, Warrior Item 1/1


Some range for an otherwise melee class.

Aegis of the Crane card image Polearm - Physical

Prevents damage.

While in hand, this figure's Polearm attacks get +2 damage.

Warrior Armor 2armor
Bore To Death card image Polearm - Physical

Attack enemies in a line. Gets +2 damage if at least 2 figures are attacked.

Warrior Item 2/2
Draw Blood (2) card image Polearm - Physical

Attack and stick to an enemy.

This figure can't be healed.

Warrior Weapon 4/2
Finishing Blow card image Polearm - Physical

Attack an enemy. Gets +3 damage if a physical card is stuck to them.

Warrior Weapon 3/2
Go for the Jugular (10) card image Polearm - Physical

Attack and stick to an enemy.

Pain 1. Penetrating. (Each round, this figure takes 1 damage. Not prevented by armor.)

Warrior Weapon 4/2
Group Effort card image Polearm - Physical

Attack an enemy. Gets +2 damage for each other ally adjacent to the attacker.

Warrior Skill 2/2
Pike Feint card image Polearm - Physical

Attack an enemy. Penetrating. (Not prevented by armor.)

Warrior Weapon 5/2
Puncturing Stab card image Polearm - Physical

Attack an enemy. Penetrating. (Not prevented by armor.)

Warrior Skill 4/2
Scratch (10) card image Polearm - Physical

Attack and stick to an enemy.

Pain 1. Penetrating. (Each round, this figure takes 1 damage. Not prevented by armor.)

Warrior Weapon 2/2
Shoot Through the Heart (2) card image Polearm - Physical

Attack an enemy. If this kills the enemy, stick to this figure.

This figure's Polearm attacks get +1 damage and don't trigger Armor.

Warrior Item 4/2
Skillful Strike card image Polearm - Physical

Attack an enemy.

Warrior Weapon 4/2
Spear Thrust card image Polearm - Physical

Attack an enemy.

Warrior Item 6/2
Flesh Wound (2) card image Polearm - Physical

Attack and stick to an enemy.

Pain 1. Penetrating. (Each round, this figure takes 1 damage. Not prevented by armor.)

Warrior Item, Warrior Weapon 2/2
Opportune Strike card image Polearm - Physical

Attack an enemy. Gets +4 damage if a physical card is stuck to them.

Warrior Skill, Warrior Weapon 4/2
Savage Spear card image Polearm - Physical

Attack an enemy. Gets -4 damage if they're adjacent.

Warrior Weapon, Warrior Item 8/2
Shred Metal card image Polearm - Physical

Attack an enemy. Break Armor that prevents this damage.

Warrior Skill, Warrior Item 2/2
Skewer card image Polearm - Physical

Attack enemies in a line.

Warrior Skill, Warrior Item 3/2
Slice and Dice (4) card image Polearm - Physical

Attack and attach to enemies in a line.

Pain 1. Penetrating. (Not prevented by armor.)

Warrior Skill, Spellstone 4/2
Stab card image Polearm - Physical

Attack an enemy.

Warrior Weapon, Warrior Item 2/2
Tear Into card image Polearm - Physical

Attack an enemy. Break Armor that prevents this damage.

Warrior Item, Spellstone 4/2
Three-Pronged Attack card image Polearm - Physical

Attack enemies in a cone.

Warrior Item 2/2
Weak Javelin Toss card image Polearm - Physical

Attack an enemy. Shuffle this card into their deck.

Warrior Weapon, Warrior Skill 2/6
Joust card image Polearm - Physical

Attack an enemy. Gets -2 damage if they're adjacent.

Warrior Weapon, Warrior Item 3/2
Certified Piercer (2) card image Polearm - Physical

Trait. Stick to this figure. (Must be played. Draw a card and take another turn.)

This figure's Polearm attacks get +1 damage.

Warrior Skill


Attacks that also move.

Aegis of the Serpent card image Sword - Physical

Prevents damage.

While in hand, this figure's Sword attacks get +2 damage.

Warrior Armor 2armor
Backstab card image Sword - Physical

Attack an enemy. Gets +2 damage from behind.

Warrior Item 2/1
Charge with Contempt card image Sword - Physical

Move in a straight line, then attack an enemy in the next square. Gets +1 damage for each square moved. Drain. (The attacker heals equal to the damage dealt.)

Boots 1 4move
Cowardly Attack card image Sword - Physical

Attack an enemy. Gets +4 damage from behind.

Warrior Item 4/1
Flurry of Steel (2) card image Sword - Physical

Trait. Stick to this figure. (Must be played. Draw a card and take another turn.)

This figure's Sword attacks get +1 damage, and its moves get +1.

Warrior Skill
Inept Jab card image Sword - Physical

Attack an enemy.

Warrior Weapon 2/1
Lucky Lunge card image Sword - Physical

Attack an enemy.

Warrior Weapon 7/1
Matriarchal Slam (2) card image Sword - Physical

Attack and stick to an enemy.

Taunt. (This figure's attacks get -2 damage if they target figures other than this card's caster.)

Warrior Weapon 5/1
Nimble Strike card image Sword - Physical

Move 3, then attack up to 1 enemy.

Warrior Weapon 6/1 3move
Parrying Strike card image Sword - Physical

Attack an enemy.

Blocks a Physical attack.

Shield 6/1
Riposte card image Sword - Physical

Attack an enemy. Gets +2 damage if an enemy card is stuck to the attacker.

Warrior Skill 2/1
Sting Like A Bee card image Sword - Physical

Attack an enemy. Gets +3 damage from behind.

Warrior Weapon 3/1
Balestra card image Sword - Physical

Move 1, then attack up to 1 enemy.

Warrior Item, Warrior Skill 3/1 1move
Cut Clean Through card image Sword - Physical

Attack an enemy. Gets +2 damage for each enemy card stuck to the attacker, then destroy those cards.

Warrior Weapon, Spellstone 4/1
Headlong Charge card image Sword - Physical

Move in a straight line, then attack an enemy in the next square. Gets +2 damage for each square moved.

Boots 2 4move
Leather Jacket card image Sword - Physical

Attack an enemy.

Prevents damage. Practical. (Doesn't break at 0 armor.)

Warrior Armor, Warrior Item 2/1 2armor
Poke card image Sword - Physical

Attack an enemy. Draw a card.

Warrior Skill, Warrior Weapon 1/1
Pressing Charge card image Sword - Physical

Move in a straight line, then attack an enemy in the next square. Gets +1 damage for each square moved.

Boots, Warrior Skill 1 5move
Pull A Knife card image Sword - Physical

Attack an enemy. Draw a card, then discard it if it's not Sword.

Warrior Weapon, Warrior Item 2/1
Slash card image Sword - Physical

Attack an enemy.

Warrior Weapon 3/1
Expurgate card image Sword - Physical

Attack an enemy. Gets +1 damage for each enemy card stuck to the attacker, then destroy those cards.

Warrior Skill, Warrior Item, Warrior Weapon 3/1
Float Like A Butterfly card image Sword - Physical

Dart 2 squares, then attack up to 1 enemy. (Move unhindered by enemies or terrain.)

Warrior Weapon, Boots, Warrior Skill 3/1 2move
Insulting Jab (2) card image Sword - Physical

Attack and stick to an enemy.

Taunt. (This figure's attacks get -2 damage if they target figures other than this card's caster.)

Warrior Weapon, Warrior Item, Spellstone 2/1
Lunging Strike card image Sword - Physical

Move 1, then attack up to 1 enemy.

Warrior Item, Warrior Skill 4/1 1move
Shank card image Sword - Physical

Move 1, then attack up to 1 enemy.

Boots, Warrior Weapon, Warrior Item 2/1 1move
Slasher (2) card image Sword - Physical

Trait. Stick to this figure. (Must be played. Draw a card and take another turn.)

This figure's Sword attacks get +1 damage.

Warrior Skill
Double Strike card image Sword - Physical

Attack an enemy, then attack them again.

Warrior Weapon, Warrior Skill 2/1