Cards shipped in the Loot & Legends tactical card game. (Not the original images.)
Cards outside the core damage types.
Blocks an attack. If it's a Magic attack, the blocker heals 3.
Blocks a Physical attack.
Shield 2movePrevents damage. Fragile. (Breaks when damage is prevented.)
Wizard Armor 2armorIf you're lucky: Blocks an attack.
ShieldPrevents Physical damage.
Warrior Armor 3armorBlocks an attack with damage 2 or less.
ShieldMove in a straight line.
Boots 6movePrevents damage. Degrades 3. (Loses 3 armor when damage is prevented.)
Warrior Armor 6armorBlocks an attack, then sticks to the blocker.
Damage dealt to this figure gets +1.
ShieldPrevents damage from the front. Knockback this figure 1 square.
Warrior Armor 5armorBlocks an attack with 5 or more damage.
Boots 4moveBlocks an attack against another ally within 2 squares of this figure.
ShieldBlocks a Magic attack. Put the attack card on top of the attacker's deck.
ShieldBlocks an attack that would stick to this figure.
ShieldBlocks an attack, then put the Attack card in the blocker's hand.
ShieldTrait. Stick to this figure. (Must be played. Draw a card and take another turn.)
This figure's magic attacks get -2 damage.
Priest ItemBlocks an attack, then put this card into the attacker's hand.
ShieldBlocks an attack. Return the attack to the attacker's hand, then stick this to them.
This figure's attacks against this card's caster get -4 damage.
ShieldIf you're lucky: Prevents damage.
While in hand, this figure's die rolls get +2.
Warrior Armor 3armorBlocks a Physical attack from any direction.
ShieldMove and stick to this figure.
This figure's Magic attacks get +2 damage.
Boots 2moveBlocks an attack and sticks to the blocker.
Halt. (This figure can't play Move cards.)
ShieldMove. Cantrip. (Take another turn.)
Boots 2moveMove.
Boots 6moveTeleport. Cantrip. (Move that doesn't require a path or line of sight. Take another turn.)
Boots 4moveIf you're lucky: Prevents damage.
Warrior Armor 4armorBlocks a lethal attack, then the blocker draws a card.
ShieldBlocks a Magic attack from enemies 3 or more squares away.
ShieldMove, then draw a card and discard a card.
Boots 2moveBlocks a Physical attack, then the blocker draws a card.
ShieldTeleport. (Move that doesn't require a path or line of sight.)
Boots 4moveMove, then draw a card for each adjacent enemy.
Boots 0range 5moveBlocks an attack, then the attacker draws a card.
ShieldIf you're lucky: Blocks an attack, then attack the attacker with it.
ShieldPrevents Magic damage and deals 3 damage to the attacker.
Warrior Armor 3armorPrevents damage.
Warrior Armor 4armorMove.
Boots 3moveMove and stick to this figure.
This figure's Physical attacks get +2 damage.
Boots 2moveMove. Draw a card and discard it unless it's a Move card. Stick this to you.
This figure's moves get +2.
Boots 0range 4movePrevents damage. Knockback the attacker 1 square.
Warrior Armor 3armorDart. (Move unhindered by enemies or terrain.)
Boots 3moveMove and stick to this figure.
Armor 3. Fragile. (Breaks when damage is prevented.)
Boots 3move 3armorMove.
Boots 8moveMove, then knockback each figure in range 1 square.
Boots 1range 3moveMove, then pull each enemy in range 1 square.
Boots 3range 3moveThis figure and each other ally moves 3.
Boots 9rangeBlocks a Physical attack from adjacent enemies.
ShieldPrevents damage. Fragile. (Breaks when damage is prevented.) When this breaks, draw a card.
Warrior Armor 10armorMove, then destroy all stuck terrain cards under or adjacent to this figure.
Boots 3movePrevents damage.
While in hand, if an enemy card would stick to this figure, stick it to the attacker instead.
Priest Armor 2armorPrevents damage. Pull the attacker 1 square.
Warrior Armor 3armorMove, then draw a card and discard it unless it's Physical.
Boots 0range 3movePrevents damage.
While in hand, if an enemy card would stick to this figure, discard this instead.
Warrior Armor, Spellstone 3armorPrevents damage. Fragile. (Breaks when damage is prevented.)
Warrior Armor, Priest Armor 6armorBlocks a Magic attack. Obvious. (Revealed when drawn.)
ShieldDraw 4 cards. Discard the ones that aren't Assists.
Prevents damage. Practical. (Doesn't break at 0 armor.)
Priest Armor 0range 2armorBlocks a Physical attack, then sticks to the blocker.
This figure's Physical attacks get +1 damage.
Prevents damage.
Warrior Armor, Boots 4move 4armorMove.
Prevents damage. Practical. (Doesn't break at 0 armor.)
Boots, Warrior Armor 2move 2armorDraw a card if adjacent to an enemy, then move.
Boots 3moveTrait. Stick to this figure. (Must be played. Draw a card and take another turn.)
This figure's Magic attacks get +1 damage.
Priest SkillPrevents Magic damage. Obvious. (Revealed when drawn.)
Priest Armor, Warrior Armor 5armorBlocks an attack. Obvious. (Revealed when drawn.)
ShieldPrevents damage. Doesn't degrade against Physical damage. Breaks against Magic damage.
Priest Armor 2armorPrevents damage.
Warrior Armor, Spellstone 5armorBlocks a Magic attack, then the blocker draws a card from the attacker's deck if they are adjacent.
ShieldMove, then each ally in range heals 2.
Boots 1range 4moveBlocks a Physical attack.
Shield, SpellstonePrevents physical damage and deals 3 damage to the attacker.
Warrior Armor 3armorMove.
Blocks a Magic attack.
Shield 2moveMove. Gets +2 move for each enemy card stuck to this figure. Destroy those cards.
Boots 2movePrevents damage. Fragile. (Breaks when damage is prevented.)
Warrior Armor, Priest Armor 3armorPrevents damage. Degrades 2. (Loses 2 armor when damage is prevented.)
Warrior Armor 4armorPrevents Magic damage.
Wizard Armor, Warrior Armor 3armorPrevents damage.
Warrior Armor 3armorPrevents damage. When this breaks, deal 4 damage to this figure.
Priest Armor, Warrior Armor 4armorBlocks a Physical attack. Obvious. (Revealed when drawn.)
ShieldBlocks a Magic attack.
Shield, SpellstonePrevents physical damage. Obvious. (Revealed when drawn.)
Warrior Armor, Priest Armor 5armorPrevents damage. When this breaks, this figure heals 3.
Warrior Armor, Priest Armor 2armorMove, then draw a card and discard it unless it's Magic.
Boots 0range 3movePrevents damage from the front.
Warrior Armor, Priest Armor 3armorPrevents damage.
Wizard Armor, Warrior Armor, Priest Armor 2armorMove.
Prevents damage. Fragile. (Breaks when damage is prevented.)
Priest Armor 3move 3armorPrevents damage. Doesn't degrade against Magic damage. Breaks against Physical damage.
Priest Armor, Wizard Armor 2armorPrevents damage.
Warrior Armor, Priest Armor, Wizard Armor 1armorPrevents damage. When this breaks, draw a card.
Warrior Armor, Priest Armor 1armorPrevents all damage.
Priest Armor 3armorTrait. Stick to this figure. (Must be played. Draw a card and take another turn.)
This figure's Physical attacks get +1 damage.
Priest SkillBlocks an attack from any direction.
Shield, SpellstonePrevents damage. Gains 1 armor whenever this figure plays a Magic card. Degrades 2. (Loses 2 armor whenever damage is prevented.)
Wizard Armor 3armorTrait. Stick to a random enemy. (Must be played. Draw a card and take another turn.)
Physical damage dealt to this figure gets +1.
Priest Skill 10rangeTrait. Stick to a random enemy. (Must be played. Draw a card and take another turn.)
Magic damage dealt to this figure gets +1.
Priest Skill 10range